Is to be the mining service company of excellence from San Juan proyected throughout Latin America.
To Goland, all business operations are alliances.
Goland offers its services to companies in the mining and industrial field of the country and Latin America, making available to its clinets a team of highly experiencied professionals and technician, as well as a fleet of equipment with the latest technology.
Our activities offer client satisfaction throughout quality, safety and care of the enviroment, with special concern to our employees.
With over 50 years of experience in the field, we are confident about our ability in the mining industry, and proud of our record to operate in extreme conditions.
Our team has performed mining drillings at hights of over 4800m and temperatures from -30º c to +40ºc.
- To reach goals methodically, maintaining the most renowed professionals from within the field, to encourage through training young professionals from all fields to extend our lidership:
- We seek the highest recruitment procedures for each post and believe our most value resource is the employee.
- Maintaining the enviroment is at the forfront of our minds.
Practicing safe responsible and sustentable mining, as to leave a world for our children worth living in.
- Is to be the mining service company of excellence from San Juan proyected throughout Latin America.
- To Goland, all business operations are alliances. Therefore, the success of our clients represents the future of Goland.
- Golands offers custom drilling programs that meet the individual needs of our clients.
- We look forward to serving your company and be
part of a successful exploration campaign.
- Our headquarters, located in the city of san juan, give the necessary support trough its administrative,
financial and technical areas, for the proper development and completion of our proyects.